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Sl. No. Name of Officer Designation Office
1 Prof. Zheng Wang River and Estuarine Morphologist Key-International
2 Prof. Dano Roelvink River and Estuarine Morphologist Key-International
3 Dr. Marcel Marchand Integrated Coastal Zone and Polder Management Expert Key-International
4 Dr. Bo Brahtz Christensen Coastal and Estuarine Morphologist Key-International
5 Dr. Soren Tjerry Tidal River and Sediment Management Specialist Key-International
6 Dr. I. Overeem & Dr J. Adams Macro Scale Delta Morphologist Key-International
7 Dr. Steve Goodbred Large Scale Delta Morphologist/ Geologist Key-International
8 Dr. Michael Steckler Subsidence Expert/ Geo-Morphologist Key-International
9 Sarwat Jahan River Morphological Modeler Key-Naional
10 Mohammad Ziaur Rahman Coastal and Estuarine Morphological Key-Naional
11 Emaduddin Ahmed Integrated Coastal Zone and Water Resource Management Specialist Key-Naional
12 Dr. Faruq Ahmed Mohiuddin, PEng. Tidal River Morphologist Key-Naional
13 Md. Saiful Islam Storm Surge and Wave Modelling Specialist Key-Naional
14 Abu Saleh Khan Long-term Polder Management Specialist Key-Naional
15 Tarek Bin Hossain Sediment Management Specialist Key-Naional
16 Md. Mahbubur Rahman Database Development Specialist Key-Naional
17 Md. Mahbubur Rahman Database Development Specialist Key-Naional

Contact Us

On project matters:

Communication Officer, PMU, CEIP-1, Phone: +8802-222299373

On website issues:
Md Mahidur Rahman Khan
Deputy Team Leader,
Third Party M&E for Overall Project Implementation, Sheladia Associates, Inc. (USA),
Phone: 02-4881-0167 (Secretary Ms. Moly),

Office Address

Project Management Unit
Coastal Embankment Improvement Project, (CEIP-1)
72 Green Road (10th floor), Pani Bhaban
Panthapath, Dhaka- 1215
Phone: +8802-222299373

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